Managed by Kristen Callihan- adored this!❤

Processed with Rookie Cam

Managed (VIP, #2) by Kristen Callihan – 4.5 Stars


1st things first. Gabriel Scott is a GOD and I need him to be real a person so I can claim him and smother his stuck up snooty sexy self in my love.

I always adore Kristen Callihan’s writing and Managed was no exception. This book focuses on Gabriel “Scottie” Scott, manager of the band Kill John (whose lead singer is the hero from Idol – VIP Book #1) and Sophie Darling, who was one of the most sweetest, sassy, and outspoken heroines.

The sexual tension in this book was NO JOKE. I was buddy-reading this with a friend and must have messaged her 74 times screaming that if these two didn’t do the dirty already I was going to throw my kindle out of a freaking window.

“I want to shut her up with my mouth. Take. And take. And take. Lick up her words, drink in her laughter.”

“I can’t look away or stop myself from rocking into her, saying with my body what I’m too afraid to utter.
Take me, have me, love me.”

The banter was fantastic. The way Kristen writes dialogue is gold. There is always a perfect mix of humor, steam, and romance in her books.

“Besides, your brand of pretty is like a weapon. You reel victims in with it, just like a vampire does. I wouldn’t be surprised if you sparkle in the sun.”
“I cannot believe I’m arguing with a woman who references Twilight.”
“The fact that you know I’m referencing Twilight betrays you as a secret Edward-loving fanboy.”
His snort is loud and scathing. “Team Jacob all the way.”
I can’t help it, my eyes fly open, and I lift a corner of my mask to glare at him. “That’s it. We can never be friends.”

“How are dudes in real life supposed to compete when women are reading about python dicks and pussy whisperers?” <—This line from my darling Rye. I can’t wait for his book. 

The bromance was so freaking adorable I swear my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I am not a huge fan of rock star romances, but leave it to Kristen to change my mind and fall head over heels in love with the band and the rest of the characters.

While some things were a littleeee over the top and some parts a little too convenient for my liking, this was so DAMN SWEET and something I most definitely recommend!

On rumpled, linen sheets, she claims me, body and soul, and then offers herself right back. In that moment, I am no longer Scottie or Gabriel, I am something more. I am home. Finally. At last. Forever.

Managed is out now!

Unpopular Opinion alert: Review of Bossman by Vi Keeland

Bossman by Vi Keeland  – 2 Mediocre Stars

To all my fellow book lovers who loved Bossman and are about to read this review:


But I’m quite confused as to how this book has such high ratings.
Was it horrible? No. I liked it. Sort of.
Was the writing outstanding and the story original? Sorry, but no.
Was any of it remarkable in any way? THAT’S A BIG FAT NO.

I was amused by it at times, sure. It gave me some chuckles. But to call this anything other than mediocre is really a far stretch.

I’ve seen the characters described as engaging and sexy. I’d have to call them flat and uninspired. And I think that was my biggest issue here. The heroine especially lacked any semblance of a personality and Chase – who seems to be loved by so many – was like a mash up of every type of romance cliché out there. Some parts of the plot were quite random and unrealistic and I felt a lot of the issues in here were blown out of proportion.

While there wasn’t anything glaringly wrong with this, it wasn’t compelling and it was just …plain. Plain and boring and recycled. If someone is going to take a used story line, something in it better knock my socks off. My socks were NOT knocked off.

Maybe if I read this a while back I would have loved it? Maybe because I’ve recently read a few contemporary reads that were phenomenal and this just paled in comparison? Not quite sure. But I do know this author doesn’t seem to be for me.

I know so many people have loved this book, but I just didn’t see the appeal.


Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor – ALL THE STARS!!!!


Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor – ALL THE STARS!!!!


What can you say about a book that was absolute perfection? Nothing. Nothing I say will do this series and this book justice. Nothing besides if you haven’t added this to your TBR, do it. If you haven’t read this yet, READ IT!

This whole series was so unique, beautiful, and just incredible. A week later and I am STILL thinking about it and have struggled to pick up anything else since finishing.

“It’s all I want, to be beside you, helping you. If it takes forever, all the better, if it’s forever with you.”

Laini Taylor is immensely talented and her writing has blown me away. I will forever be a fan of this author and will read anything this woman writes! I cannot praise this series enough. I LOVED every single word and wish I could erase this from my memory to experience it all over again.

“A kiss must end for another to begin, and it did, and did again.”

5 Stars for Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor ❤


Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2) by Laini Taylor – 5 Stars


“Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a world free of bloodshed and war.

This is not that world.”


I really don’t know what I am supposed to write as a review. I won’t say anything on the plot. Because 1 – hello spoilers. And 2 – there were so many damn twists and turns I’m still gasping. I don’t know how to express how immersed I was in this book and am in this series. I don’t know how I’m supposed to praise this author for the uniqueness and utter brilliance that flows on these pages.

You know what this book has made me do? It’s made me question my previous 5 stars ratings. Because I can tell you there isn’t much quite like this series out there that I have read.

“She keeps her eyes closed but smiles, giving herself away. “Shush, I’m having a dream.” “It’s not a dream. It’s all real.”

“How would you know? You’re not even in it.” She feels playful, heavy with happiness. With rightness.

“I’m in all of them,” he says. “It’s where I live now.”

Now some people may not agree , but I loved the direction of this, I kind of loved how the MCs were barely together in it. I loved the use of sub characters and plots and how they all tied in later on and how the chapters alternated between them.

As I mentioned in my review for Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Laini Taylor takes overused themes and makes them relatable yet something so different and because of all of this she gets ALL THE PRAISE AND STARS!

“Tomorrow they will start the apocalypse.
Tonight, they let themselves look at each other, just for a little while.”

Cover Reveal & Giveaway! Complex Kisses by Kim Bailey


Complex Kisses

by Kim Bailey
Publication Date: December 29, 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Romance


When lost and living in the moment …
… can you be found with just a kiss?

Jamie Hartley ran away, leaving grief and heartache behind. Lost on her own. Raising a child. Her plan is simple. Make it through. Find her path. Survive.

Eric Anderson walked away, abandoning plans and expectations. Living day to day. Waiting for miracles. His goal is complicated. Make it through. Find a way. Endure.

In stolen moments of passion and pleasure, Jamie and Eric find reprieve from their complex lives.

Together, they eases the burdens. Together, they soothe the pain.

But can they recognize the future when it finds them?

Here and now.


About Kim Bailey

Kim Bailey is a Canadian author. She’s a born procrastinator and sarcasm junkie. She gets her motivation from coffee, the fact that her teenage children haven’t disowned her, and the smile on her husband’s face when she tells him “maybe”.

When she was young and naïve, Kim dreamed of being a documentary filmmaker, and script writer. But when real life happened, she went to a job that actually paid her. Now she’s a customer support specialist by day and romance writer by night.

Writing is something she’s always done – she has about 20 million half-started story ideas. She may also be a slight exaggerator.

Kim promised herself to set her fears aside and make the dream real. She’s working on that, one day at a time.

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Completely blown away by The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor!

“Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well.”


Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Daughter of Smoke and Bone #1) by Laini Taylor – 5 Stars


This book.

This book kills you slowly.

When I started it I was most definitely intrigued. The way it is written leaves you thirsty for more information. For answers. For anything that will lead to an explanation as to what the HELL was going on. But, I have to admit as I read I wasn’t entirely sold on if this would really WOW me.

It wasn’t slow per se. The beginning is more like a leisurely ride through this strange fascinating world. Right from the first page the author puts the reader in this strange magical setting. And layer by layer, the story is peeled, information is revealed, and the intrigue just gets stronger and stronger.

Then 65% happens and BAM!!!!! I couldn’t catch my breath from that point on and when I finished I let out a screech so loud I’m positive the neighbors down the street heard me.


The last half of this took me completely by surprise and left me stunned by the originality and breathless from the romance.

It. Was. Magical. No other way to describe it. Consider me SOLD.

The writing is poetic, beautiful, and stunning. The story is one of the most gut wrenching, romantic things I have read.

“Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens -” His voice cracked and he took a breath. “I need you to remember that I love you.”

The way the author unfolds this tale is genius. She takes clichéd ideas like forbidden love, angels vs. devils, good vs. evil, and insta-love and spins them on their heads. She turned those ideas into something new and just incredible.

I could write my own novel on how much I loved this, but I am going to stop here. I won’t even attempt to describe the plot because 1.) I won’t be able to do it justice and 2.) I’ll be writing for another 2 hours when I could be spending that time reading book 2.

If I haven’t been clear, I LOVED THIS and highly recommend adding this to your TBR!

Review: Royally Screwed by Emma Chase ❤


Royally Screwed (Royally, #1) by Emma Chase – 4 Stars


Going to keep this review short and sweet.

When you read an Emma Chase book, you just know you are going to get the following: Laugh out loud scenes, relatable MCs, sexy heroes and sweet, spunky, likeable heroines, and a book that’s low on the unnecessary drama and high on the sweet romance.

And Royally Screwed had just that. A prince is who is both self-assured yet down to earth with an awesome sense of dry humor who meets and falls for a waitress who is independent but also a sweetheart. I won’t go into more details because the blurb will tell you what this is about. But I can tell you this left a huge smile on my face!

As always, I loved the banter in this. Emma is always so great at writing back and forth banter between the MCs that is hysterical.

“What’s the specialty here?”
“Our pies.”
I tap my pencil against my pad. “I make them myself. Best in the city.” The dark-haired one hums. “Tell me more about your magnificent pie. Is it delicious?” “Yes.” “Juicy?”
I roll my eyes. “Save it.”

“My dignity isn’t for sale.” Nicholas leans forward, eating me up with his eyes. “I don’t want to put my cock anywhere near your dignity, love. I want to put it everywhere else.”

“Well I…don’t…date.” “Good God, why not?” I ask, horrified. “That’s a bloody sin.” “A sin?” “You’re stunning, obviously clever—you should date often, and preferably with a man who knows how it’s done.” I rest my palm on my chest. “Coincidentally, I happen to be fantastic at it. What are the odds?”

If you’re looking for a feel good story with lots of romance and humor, this right here is it!

P.S. I can’t wait to read about Henry. He is another character that will for sure make everyone simultaneously laugh and swoon:

He brings my hand to his lips, kissing the back. “Quick on your feet—I like that. How are you on your knees, love?”

Royally Screwed is out now!