Must Read from CoHo: Too Late


Too Late by Colleen Hoover – 5 Stars


“Love is not found. Love finds.
Love finds you in the forgiveness at the tail end of a fight. Love finds you in the empathy you feel for someone else. Love finds you in the embrace that follows a tragedy. Love finds you in the celebration after the conquering of an illness. Love finds you in the devastation after the surrender to an illness.
Love finds you in the tragedies.”


I didn’t know Colleen had this in her. This story was addicting, angsty, and so damn stressful I felt like I was having a heart attack at least 8 times while reading. Props to anyone who read this piece by piece as she was releasing chapters (For those who do not know, this was a project Colleen started to help with writing blocks while writing other books. She had no plan to release it, but released a few chapters on Wattpad and would occassionally update it. The book is now complete and can be purchased on Amazon). There is no way in hell I could have read each chapter and then waited for the next without throwing my iPad across the room.

“Worries flow from her lips like the random words that flow from her fingertips. I reach out and try to catch them, clenching then in my fists, wanting nothing more than to catch them all.”

I don’t want to say too much on the plot because you ALL NEED TO READ THIS. Some fans of Colleen will be pleasantly surprised with how dark and sexy she went with this. Some fans who are not used to this type of writing from her may NOT like this. I say put some big girl panties on and TRY IT ANYWAY.

But the short version is this: Sloan is a college student and is in a relationship with Asa who is a complete psycho controlling asshole drug dealer. Can you tell I didn’t like him much? Sloan is pretty much forced to be with him (and when you read you’ll see why). During a class, Sloan meets Carter. Sweet, sweet, amazing, OMG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, Carter. She learns Carter (really named Luke) is undercover and trying to take down Asa. Anddddd that’s all you’ll get from me on the plot.

“You’re all I see, Sloan. Beyond the job, beyond right and wrong. You’re all I see.”
My mouth finds hers again and I kiss her the way she deserves to be kissed. With conviction. With respect. With feeling.
She begins to move on top of me and she’s all I see.
I close my eyes and she’s all I fucking see.


READ IT READ IT READ IT! Trust me when I say this was SO wildly entertaining and a must read! Espeically if you like your romance with a sprinkle of dark 😉

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