Review: The Hot Shot by Kristen Callihan ❤

“…I’m so gone on you. There’s no coming back from it.” I kiss those candy lips. “Haven’t you figured it out?” I say against them. “Every time I call you Chester, I’m saying I adore you. I fucking adore every part of you.”


The Hot Shot (Game on Series #4) by Kristen Callihan – 4.5 Stars


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The Hot Shot = swoony hero, fantastic banter, HOT HOT HOT scenes, and an overall great story. For those who haven’t read this series, this book focuses on Finn Mannus, NFL quarterback, and Chester (yes that’s her name) Copper, a photographer who has been hired to photograph Finn and some of his teammates for a nude calendar shoot.

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Right off the bat, Chess and Finn have that great banter I think Kristen has become known for:

“So? Are you coming or what?”
“Longing to see me, are you?”
“Yes,” she drawls. “I need to reconfirm that your head truly is that big.”
I’m grinning wide now, even though she can’t see me. “Which head are we talking about?”
“I’m hanging up….”

I saw Kristen say if Drew and Gray had a baby, it would be Finn. And I have to agree. He’s playful and funny like Gray, romantic like Drew, and so damn sexy and lovable just like the rest of her heroes. And while NO ONE can replace Drew, man oh man does Finn come close. After the 60% mark, I honestly highlighted everything that boy said. It’s been a while since a book has made me so giddy that I had to stop reading and clutch my chest while smiling like a loon. But Finn did that.

“Are you staying?” I croak out. Chess drops her gaze to the stove, and her fingers tighten around the handle of the spatula. “I like it here.”
I lean against the counter so I don’t make a fool of myself and fall to my knees. I love you here.
I clear my throat. “You keep making me breakfast, and you can stay here forever.”
She snickers. “I’d hold back on that declaration until you’ve tasted your breakfast. I’m not known for my cooking.”
Then I’ll make you breakfast forever.


“It’s not going to go away for me.” My arm slides from him as I look up.
“What isn’t?” Finn’s expression is solemn, but when he catches my eye, the corner of his lip quirks.
“Wanting you.”

You know what I also love? When you read a scene you LOVE so much, you need to go back and re-read it a few more times because you can’t let it go.

“So…” My mom says in a voice that is distinctly meddling. “Chess is nice.”
A smile pulls at my lips. “Nice isn’t how I’d describe her.”
“Oh? And how would you describe her? Here, use a plate.”
Perfect. Fuckable. Stunning. Funny. Mine.

I just want to say their first kiss was my absolute most favorite part. Besides fantastic banter, I think Kristen also writes some of the BEST ‘first kiss’ scenes.

And I realize this review is mostly just quotes from Finn, but I can’t help it, I ADORED HIM!

God, I love her smile. I want to keep teasing her just to see it bloom again and again. “It would have worked. I would have kissed you the way I’d wanted to since we met, and you would have been mine.”
“Oh really,” she deadpans, but I see the knowledge in her eyes.
“Really. I was made to kiss you, Chess.” She goes soft at that, giving me those bedroom eyes. And her voice grows husky, making me hard and tight with anticipation.
“Maybe I was the one made to kiss you, Finn.” Emotion rushes through my chest, taking my air, and I have to breathe deep.
“You were.”



There are two minor things that kept me from rating this a full 5 stars. 1. I found Chess to be a little….flat. Or maybe she just came across as cold? Whatever it was, I didn’t really connect with her as much as the other heroines in this series. And 2. I didn’t really see the need for the “conflict” that occurs towards the end. It kind of came out of nowhere and I could have done without it.

Other than those things, I clearly enjoyed this book. Even if you haven’t read this series (but you really really should), I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading this awesome story.

The Hot Shot is out today!



Kristen Callihan is an author because there is nothing else she’d rather be. She is a three-time RITA nominee and winner of two RT Reviewer’s Choice awards. Her novels have garnered starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly and the Library Journal, as well as being awarded top picks by many reviewers. Her debut book FIRELIGHT received RT Magazine’s Seal of Excellence, was named a best book of the year by Library Journal , best book of Spring 2012 by Publisher’s Weekly, and was named the best romance book of 2012 by ALA RUSA. When she is not writing, she is reading.


6 thoughts on “Review: The Hot Shot by Kristen Callihan ❤

  1. taliaredhotink says:

    Fantastic review, Steph! I loved the quotes you chose. I just finished it and adored it to bits. It was so fun, and heartwarming and c’mon, Finn Mannus is perfection. It definitely climbed the top of 2017 fast for me. Happy to see he stole your heart, too ❤

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